It is a way in which the Ministry classifies and controls all the phytosanitary products in the market in order to ensure that they are useful to fight any pest efficiently without collateral risks to human health and the environment.
Therefore, the registration of phytosanitary products in agriculture is a key component for the development and progress of the agricultural industry.
In accordance with Royal Decree 1311/2012, dated September 14, the authorization and registration of phytosanitary products in the MAPA (Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food) is mandatory for the marketing, distribution, and use of these products. Besides, the farm fieldnotes must be updated, specifying the phytosanitary products used on each crop.
It should be noted that for the registration of a product, its Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) must previously be established.
- Importance and role of the phytosanitary register:
Its considerable importance lies in the fact that the requirements for marketing food products are currently very demanding. Thanks to the registration, information on the proper use of phytosanitary substances applied to the products is provided. In addition, the register is updated on a regular basis.
The registration of phytosanitary products guarantees that the treatment for agricultural exploitation is efficient.
- How to know which products are authorized per crop?
Products that are currently authorized by both the Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 and Directive 91/414/EEC, which have different number formats, can be consulted on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food, Agriculture Activity Area, Plant Health section, and Means of Phytosanitary Defense section. For consultation regarding crops, just click on the consult by application/pest section.
- Is it possible to be notified, either as a company, as a farmer, or as an individual, of movements in the change of registered phytosanitary products?
Currently, it is not possible to receive notifications of modifications to phytosanitary products that are authorized. However, it is worth noting that the website is updated at the beginning of each month and the date of the last update is also displayed.
- Does the Register of Phytosanitary Products show if a product is authorized for use in organic farming or not?
No, because there is no national list of phytosanitary products authorized in organic farming on the website of the register of phytosanitary products. Consultation related to organic farming must be addressed to the Sub Directorate General for Distinctive Quality and Organic Farming or to the control authorities of each Autonomous Community.
- Validity of a phytosanitary product:
In accordance with section 5 of the Regulation 1107/2009 that establishes the approval of a substance, a product shall be granted a validity of up to 10 years related to that of the active substance. During this time, it may be subject to restrictions or changes in conditions. If the active substance is not yet approved, a 3-year temporary authorization will be granted.
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