Rovensa  website

Rovensa Careers Website

We are proud to announce that today we are launching the Careers Website of Rovensa Group. You can access the website through

The Careers Website will permit us to reinforce the Employer Value proposition of the Group, helping us to attract Talent, communicating externally the opportunities across all Rovensa companies and locations.

On this new website, candidates will be able to search and to apply for job opportunities, creating alerts to receive notifications when a job post matches with the profile.

To boost the effectiveness of our website careers page, we have included videos about our group and also testimonials of employees and a clear message on Who we are, What we do and What we look for in our People, not forgetting what drives us – our SEEDS values: Safety, Empowerment, Ethics, Dedication and Striving.

The Careers Website is linked with MyPeople, with the new Recruitment & Careers Module, which will be launched in the beginning of the next FY. With these new tools, candidates, employees, and leaders will have a better experience, enhancing the awareness of our common Brand and Culture.


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