Idai Nature, líderes en Biocontrol agrícola

Naturalia: Much more than an experimental farm


It combines research and innovation with promotion of a healthy sustainable life.

“We desire to be a meeting place in the context of sustainable agriculture and be available to farmers as well as the general public”. This is how Carlos Ledó, CEO of Idai Nature, explains the two-fold purpose of the company’s new farm: Naturalia,

This initiative, with few precedents in the sector, was founded to combine research and innovation with the promotion of a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.

Naturalia has an ambitious agronomic program that will enable Idai Nature to expand the number of trials, conduct new ones and keep ahead of the needs of farmers via continuous innovation.

The experimental area is divided into 6 work sectors in which experiments with varieties of high value citrus and fruit have already begun. Soon, we will also start cultivating species typical of this season, such as lettuce, carrots, chard, broccoli, etc.

The farm also has a series of multi-purpose buildings that will play an important role in projecting to society, as a whole, environmental values, the importance of teamwork and the spirit of effort.

“On many occasions, children are immersed in city life and don’t have the opportunity to see where the food we eat comes from”, explains Ledó. This awareness, coupled with the search for a healthier and more natural lifestyle, is what has led Idai Nature to integrate visits for schools in the Valencia Region into the wide range of the farm’s activities.

Training seminars, workshops and an outdoor meeting area complete the offer of a space that has become a unique place for enjoying our type of agriculture.

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