Idai Nature, líderes en Biocontrol agrícola

MACEDONIA – Idai Nature obtains registration of its products in Macedonia

From this month, you can buy products IDAI NATURE in the Macedonian market with their records granted.

Macedonia is a traditional grape yard region. The production of grapes is largely used for the production of wine, however table grape production is continuously increasing. The table varieties of grapes are predominantly produced in the Vardar region and North-eastern regions.
Due to a favorable climate, the Macedonian table varieties of grapes are of high quality and exceptional export potential. The variety of table grapes include several classes of very early, to very late types of table grape.
Most widespread table grape varieties in Macedonia are Afus-Ali, Cardinal, Muscat Italy, Muscat Hamburg, and White Winter.
The production of table grapes is organized throughout roughly 25.000 farms, of which 70% are individual holdings and 30% are agricultural companies. The average yields are approximately 10 tons/ha.



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