Idai Nature, líderes en Biocontrol agrícola

IdaiNature, business growth leader in Spain


Idai Nature has been recognized as one of the Spanish 500 fastest growing companies. The Spanish Confederation of the Small and Medium Enterprise (CEPYME, for its acronym in Spanish) has included IdaiNature in the CEPYME500-2019. It was made public on October 29th, in a meeting characterized by the presence of entrepreneurs and representatives of the different public administrations. Among such authorities, the president of CEPYME, Gerardo Cuerva and the president of the CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations), Antonio Garamendi, reclaimed the support needed from public administrations to the Spanish business fabric. Nadia Calviño, Spanish Government Minister of Economy and Business, who closed the act, manifested that business growth should be fostered though a diversified funding, a good regulatory frame, trust and entrepreneurship support.

This award highlights the companies that lead the entrepreneurial growth in the country, both due to last few years’ growth results, and their ability to create activity and employment, their innovation potential and international exposure.

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