Site icon Idai Nature, líderes en Biocontrol agrícola

Idai Nature Launches a Sustainable Agriculture Project in Senegal

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Idai Nature, a manufacturer of natural solutions for agriculture, has decided to launch a solidarity-based sustainable farming project in Senegal through the Formación Senegal (Senegal Training) association, which provides training, economic assistance, technical advice and the donation of Idai Nature products.

As part of its #IdaiContigo Corporate Social Responsibility campaign the company has created a new sustainable agriculture project in Senegal to help improve the lives of young people and children amongst the Senegalese population in Africa’s Sahel area.


Through this project the company expresses its commitment to providing the necessary technical guidance so that desert areas can be managed in a sustainable way. In addition, Idai Nature is helping out financially, and has donated it products for the cultivation of the crops.


This entire process will be carried out through the Formación Senegal, a non-profit association for humanitarian aid that works on the development of educational projects to provide young people in Senegal with vocational training.

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