Idai Nature Commits to Circular Economy in its Packaging

  • Idai Nature’s packaging is manufactured by the only Spanish company certified for using more than 30% post-consumption recycled material


‘World population is constantly growing and the planet’s resources are limited, which is why Idai Nature is committed to sustainability in all its activities’, explains Carlos Ledó, CEO and founder of Idai Nature, as to the reasons why this company has chosen Plásticos Vanguardia as one of its plastic packaging suppliers.

Recently, AENOR awarded Plásticos Vanguardia the PTR-2019/0001 Certificate based on the UNE EN 15343 Standard. This document recognises them as the first Spanish company to be certified for using at least 30% of post-consumption recycled material.

Idai Nature, which has, among others, the EMAS accreditation which is the highest environmental recognition in the EU, has been involved since its founding in the care of the environment and the fight against climate change, and is committed to circular economy as one of the keys to responsible industrial development.

Circular economy means prolonging the economic life of all materials and resources as much as possible and minimising waste generation, but for this to be possible it requires the business world and society as a whole to be actively involved.

‘It is our responsibility to use the strength of our brands to get the remaining companies to take the plunge and together achieve a necessary transformation’, concludes Carlos Ledó.


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