Organic farming is defined as a set of techniques that respects the environment and is aimed at producing quality food preserving the biodiversity of agrosystems.
There has been a global increase in demand for products produced by organic farming, as consumers are increasingly aware of the importance of incorporating quality food into their diets. With the increase in the demand for and production of organic products, the EU has made greater efforts to implement control policies and regulations in this area.
The introduction of ecological practices into agricultural production, far from being a recent innovation, has been practiced for more than 40 years, and is backed by exhaustive scientific research.
Organic farming entails multiple advantages, such as reduced input costs for farmers, as it uses by-products from the land for fertilisation; makes it possible to obtain the same yields, or even to increase them, compared to conventional chemical agriculture; produces higher-quality food; and improves and protects consumers’ health, as it does not rely on toxic products for its production.
This type of agriculture, unlike conventional chemical farming, employs preventive methods to control pests and diseases, resulting in a decrease in the threat posed by them; and crop rotations and associations for them, which results in an increase in biodiversity and the optimised use of the soil, averting its degradation and favouring increases in its fertility.
At IDAI NATURE we are committed to obtaining products that do not damage the environment and human health. Thus, we have a wide range of NATURAL SOLUTIONS produced using natural extracts.