Site icon Idai Nature, líderes en Biocontrol agrícola

How to improve your plants’ setting of fruit.

A plant species’ setting of fruit is the process that marks the transition from the ovary of the flower to the fruit. Many factors influence the optimum setting of the fruit, some of which we can influence or control, and some that we can not.

The main factors are:

• Biological pollination agents: for transport from one flower to another, pollen needs some help. Insects such as bees and bumblebees, among other species, are the main types of biological agents that contribute to this process and, consequently, to fertilization. Other animals, such as birds and rodents, also help pollen to move long distances to reach the ovaries of other flowers, thereby fertilizing them. On agricultural lands there is another element that must be taken into account: it is very important to consider the varieties of pollinators that are compatible with the plants one wishes to pollinate, and that they have similar flowering periods.

• Weather factors: The climate directly affects all cultivation processes. The wind and the rain can have a favorable or negative influence on fruit setting, depending on the plant species and the intensity of these abiotic factors. Temperature is another important factor to which we must pay special attention; especially extreme ones (frosts and high temperatures tend to drastically affect fruit setting).

• Proper nutrition of the tree: for optimum fruit set to occur in a crop, excellent nutrition of the plants is essential. The balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium has to be adequate for the plant to be vigorous and strong enough and to enter the flowering period in an optimal state. Microelements, such as Boron, Molybdenum and Calcium are also vital, not only for the proper lengthening of the flowers’ pollen tubes, but also, in later phases, so that the peduncles are strong enough to prevent the excessive falling of young, recently-set fruit.

At Idai Nature we offer you the perfect solution for the adequate setting of your crops
Booster is one of a set of precise biostimulants designed to improve the plant setting process. Booster increases the endogenous levels of auxins in the plant, particularly pollen. In this way, it increases not only the likelihood of effective fertilization, but also a homogeneous one, giving rise to fruit without deformations. Booster greatly favors the stability of the transpiration process and stomata opening and closing mechanisms under conditions of temperature stress. As a result, less mobile minerals, such as Calcium and Boron, indispensable for fruit setting, are not affected in their transport to and within the flower.

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