Site icon Idai Nature, líderes en Biocontrol agrícola

Aphids on stone fruit trees: damage and solutions.


Spring is a favorable time of year for the appearance and propagation of aphids on stone fruit trees such as peach, apricot and plum.

The most frequent species that attack stone fruit trees are the green aphid (Myzus persicae) and the mealy aphid (Hyalopterus amygdali).

Aphids are usually located on the undersides of leaves, where they suck the sap causing a slight longitudinal curling of the leaves that gives them some protection.

The secretion of honeydew as a consequence of the suction of sap rich in sugars, facilitates the development of sooty mold that covers the surface preventing normal transpiration of the tree. In cases of strong attacks, buds may dry up and the leaves become necrosed, which causes large-scale defoliation.

At IDAI NATURE we have several strategies to solve this problem with excellent results:
• Insecticide treatment for high pressure infestations of the pest: PIRETRO NATURA (1.5-2 ml/l) + FOS SOAP (5 ml/l). From 2 to 3 applications every 7-10 days.
• Medium pressure complementary strategy: CRISOIL (1.5-2.5 ml/l) + FOS SOAP (5 ml/l). From 2 to 3 applications every 7-10 days.
• Low pressure complementary strategy: KUNEKA PLUS (4-5 ml/l) + FOS SOAP (5 ml/l). From 2 to 3 applications every 7-10 days.

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