5 things you didn’t know about “Passivhaus”

Perhaps you’ve heard someone talk about Passivhaus architecture. Here we’d like to explain 5 things that we’re sure you didn’t know about it.

    • • The Passivhaus architecture standard started in Germany in the early 90s and is currently the most demanding construction standard.
    • • Smart air renewal in this type of architecture helps prevent and reduce diseases and respiratory tract infections such as fibromyalgia or asthma, among others.
    • • It improves the degree of well-being of its visitors and inhabitants
    • • Reduces energy consumption and CO2 emissions by around 80%.

And the most important thing is…
With the construction of its new facilities, certified by this demanding standard, Idai Nature has once again demonstrated its commitment to grow in a sustainable, environmentally-friendly manner and to being at the forefront of technology.


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